Some important things to know about solar power

August 4, 2021

Solar energy is one of the cleanest sources of energy, and it's an extremely effective way of your household more efficient and sustainable.

Lifetime solar savings are important.

Most people look at the short term when first considering solar power. They weigh up the payback period or the savings they can make off their next electricity bill. 

However, a good system should last you 25 years. 

You should always consider the lifetime savings that your solar panels will deliver. 

Good solar panel systems are designed to last. 

Cheap solar systems are more likely to fail and need replacing in a much shorter timeframe.

If they last long enough they may payback faster, but are not as good an investment.

If I get solar I won’t have to pay any electricity bills, right?

In most cases, going solar will not eliminate your electricity bill entirely. Although your bill will likely reduce substantially, you will still need to pay some portion. 


For a solar power system to work the best it is ideal for the panels to point to the North.

If your roof does not point to the north, solar panels can still be a good investment.

An east / west orientation can be beneficial because your panels generate power during the morning and afternoon peak period.

Not only are you more likely to be at home using your power during these periods, but it is also when electricity is most expensive.

Low energy users

I am a low energy user, are solar panels are still worth it?

In most cases the answer is still typically, yes, they are.

Another tip: it is always better to buy a larger system than you need.

Though your ability to make solar savings is slightly reduced, higher feed-in tariffs mean that you can pay off your system faster.

What about system size?

Our experience suggests that a 5kW or 6.6kW system is suitable for most households.

We also suggest that low energy users are better off buying a larger system as the additional output will pay off the investment much faster.

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